R. Kelly has been trying everything possible to get out of prison but none of his attempts have worked. The singer's facing multiple charges of sex trafficking and sexual abuse in different states. This year, he's set to face a federal judge in his Brooklyn sex trafficking and racketeering case.

According to PageSix, the singer has already been brought to a notorious jail in Brooklyn that also holds another accused sex trafficker -- Ghislaine Maxwell, the accused accomplice of Jeff Epstein. Kelly was taken from federal prison in Chicago to the Metropolitan Detention Center in the NYC borough. This particular lockup has been at the center of criticism due to the terrible conditions that detainees have been living in. The MDC was recently sued by the family of a former inmate who died in custody after being pepper-sprayed.
Maxwell has also detailed the conditions of the prison in letters to the federal judge. Maxwell, who is accused of luring underage women for Epstein, said in a recent filing that the raw sewage "permeated" her cell unit. She added that "vermin droppings fell from the air vents.”
Kelly's trial will begin on Aug. 9th in Brooklyn. The embattled singer is charged with sex trafficking and racketeering for allegedly picking up underage girls for the purpose of having sex.
We will keep you updated on Kelly's trial.