Nicki Minaj
MusicAccording to Akbar V, Nicki is like a big sister to her.ByCaroline Fisher726 Views
MusicThe Queen has spoken.ByElias Andrews2.5K Views
Pop CultureNicki was just having fun.ByCaroline Fisher3.8K Views
RelationshipsJudge grants Nicki Minaj's husband to celebrate her birthday in paradise.ByBryson "Boom" Paul2.0K Views
MusicThe Roc and Cash Money are still on top... and at odds.ByGabriel Bras Nevares4.3K Views
MusicNicki Minaj's former manager Deb Antney recently opened up about her relationship with the rapper.ByCaroline Fisher1327 Views
MusicNicki Minaj has a new album and tour in the works. ByBryson "Boom" Paul686 Views
Pop CultureThe Queen took it in stride.ByElias Andrews3.1K Views
MusicC'mon Kenneth!ByZachary Horvath6.9K Views
MusicThings got heated fast...ByGabriel Bras Nevares1237 Views
MusicRay J recently compared his conversation with Nicki Minaj to a "dominatrix skit."ByCaroline Fisher3.8K Views
MusicCapella Grey has sparked a major debate.ByCaroline Fisher268 Views