JT (Of City Girls)
MusicThe City Girls are at odds.ByCole Blake2.3K Views
Pop CultureCat fight!ByZachary Horvath2.3K Views
MusicThe two have made some serious threats against each other.ByDemi Phillips2.2K Views
MusicMany fans brought up that JT has also stayed pretty silent about the explosive Diddy allegations involving her fellow City Girl.ByGabriel Bras Nevares2.2K Views
GossipTia Kemp has some questionable advice for JT.ByCaroline Fisher2.1K Views
MusicIt seems like thing are resolved.ByAlexander Cole2.0K Views
MusicThere are a lot of fans who were quick to dismiss this idea and call out others for starting issues, whereas some fans were ready for war.ByGabriel Bras Nevares2.0K Views
Music"Summer 24, I’m single as a dollar bill / Handsome and wealthy, can’t forget the fact a n***a real," Jeezy raps on the cut.ByGabriel Bras Nevares2.0K Views
MusicShe had excuses on deck.ByElias Andrews2.0K Views
RelationshipsJT is always proud of her boo no matter what.ByGabriel Bras Nevares2.0K Views
StreetwearJT is sizzling. ByZachary Horvath1.9K Views
StreetwearSome JT fans aren't happy.ByCaroline Fisher1.8K Views