Pornhub is the leading website for adult entertainment, and it loves to use its platform to send a message.
Back when the pandemic was in its earlier stages, Pornhub Premium was free for the entire country of Italy, who was hit hard by COVID-19. Then, when things started worsening around the world, the premium subscription became free to everybody. The initiative was introduced to keep people at home and flatten the curve.

As Premium is back on a subscription-only basis, Pornhub is making a statement in a different way, focusing on an urgent matter and ensuring that people go out and vote, restricting the website to voters only on Election Day.
That's right, tomorrow, you will only be able to watch Pornhub videos if you cast a vote in the 2020 Presidential Election. It's all part of the Give A Fuck, Get A Fuck campaign.
"At Pornhub, we give a fuck about this election," wrote the official PH Twitter account. "And we want to make sure you give a fuck too. On election day, we'll be making sure you voted before you can enter Pornhub. If you give a fuck, you get a fuck. Get out and vote."
As explained by Complex, the site will be welcoming United States-based users with a page reminding them to vote between 10 AM EST and 9 PM EST.
Will you be voting tomorrow/have you already voted?