Samantha Smith was one of the most vocal people present at Nipsey Hussle's Celebration of Life this month, honouring her brother and coming up on stage with Lauren London, Nipsey's kids, and other members of the family. The ceremony was beautiful with so many of the rapper's friends and family members speaking to the audience, remembering the Los Angeles artist and keeping the marathon going. When Nipsey passed away, Samantha Smith was among those who kept his children in mind, promising to take care of Emani and Kross. She's staying true to her word too, officially filing for legal guardianship of 7-year-old Emani Asghedom this month.
According to TMZ, Samantha reportedly does not believe that Emani's biological mother is suited to properly take care of her, taking matters into her own hands and hoping to take over guardianship duties soon. As for Kross, Lauren London is legally responsible for him since he was born by London and Hussle. Nipsey was reportedly taking care of Emani until he was fatally shot last month and Samantha wants to take over "to ensure the continued stability for Emani and ensure that she will be able to maintain her current and ongoing relationship" with Nip's family.
No decision has been made yet on Emani's guardianship.