It looks like tomorrow’s episode of Nicki Minaj’s Queen radio is about to be juicy. During Monday night’s VMA’s, Nicki took home the “moon person” trophy for “Best Hip Hop,” and during her acceptance speech, she announced that she will be handing out the "Cocksucka of the Year" award during tomrrow's Beats 1 radio show.
"Tune in to Queen Radio to see who Cocksucker of the Year is going to” she said before leaving the stage. Now the real question that remains is who is Nicki is talking about here?
Many people believe it could be Safaree “SB” Samuels, who accused Nicki of stabbing him years ago during their relationship, meanwhile other people think it could be The Huffington Post, who published a story saying Nicki believes she’s “Hairriett Tubman.” Nicki even teased the latter would received the “cocksucka of the year” award in the caption, leaving “You guys are now in the running for #CockSuckaOfTheDay award on #QueenRadio tmrw yoooooooooo 😂🤣😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 y’all Harriet Tubman is trending cuz of one tweet I posted. Like do y’all understand how funny this shit is? 😩😭😭😭😭 you niggaz betta sit there & eat ya fkn rice huff post!!!!!"
However that’s not the only award Nicki will be handing out either. According to her recent IG pst, Nicki will also be naming a "#HoeNiggaOfTheWeek," "#QueenOfTheWeek," and "#SecretHataOfTheYear" during tomorrow's episode.
Check out the VMA clip (below) and be sure to tune into tomorrow’s Queen radio at 12 PM EST to hear Nicki’s award winners.