Meek Mill Says Jay Z Didn't Convince Him To Bail On White House Visit Despite Rumor

BY Kevin Goddard 16.6K Views
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Meek Mill
"That's not true at all," Meek on Jay Z convincing him to not go to The White House.

Meek Mill was scheduled to meet with President Trump last Friday and discuss prison reform at the White House, but that didn't happen as planned. The MMG rapper backed out at the last minute and didn’t go, making several of his peers & celebrity friends happy in the process. At the time, reports were saying that Jay Z was the one responsible for convincing Meek to not go, but that apparently isn’t true.

Meek recently down with Philly’s Power99 radio station and talked about his time since getting out and more. But when he was asked about the White House, Meek said he had no idea where that rumor came from that Hov convinced him to not go. The Dreamchaser rapper says he was initially excited about being invited to the White House, which would try & help thousands of people to get out of tough situations. However, he felt the President's office and himself represented two different America's, which he didn’t want to sit-down at the White House for the time being.

Check out the full 40-minute interview (below) or fast forward to the 11:45 mark to hear the White House bail discussion. Look for more new music to be on the way as well. 

Meek Mill

Meek Mill Says Jay Z Didn't Convince Him To Bail On White House Visit Despite Rumor
About The Author
Kevin Goddard is an editor for HNHH. He keeps you in the loop nightly by updating the site with your favorite songs, videos, mixtapes, and news stories, all while maintaining our social media game to be on point. His appreciation for art, and love for sports & fashion makes this Chicago writer very knowledgeable within the entire urban culture. Some of his favorite Hip Hop artists are Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, A$AP Rocky, Wiz Khalifa, Kid Cudi, Big Sean, Childish Gambino, Miguel, Lupe Fiasco, Common.