Of the early support that Kanye West received after announcing he was running to become the President of the United States, Elon Musk was confirmed to be on his side and so were a few others. Masika Kalysha went on the record to say that she would be voting for West but, after he revealed his problematic policies in a Forbes interview, she went back and rescinded her support.
"I read the article. Don’t worry koonye ain’t getting my vote. I’m flabbergasted," wrote Masika on Twitter.
The article she's referring to is the one that was published in Forbes, detailing West's anti-abortion and anti-vaccine stance. During the interview, he also says that he supported Trump because he likes that his hotel lobbies have saxophones in them, also claiming that God will be the one who decides if he will become the President.
Many have turned on Kanye for his remarks, which included a pro-life photo that he posted and subsequently deleted when he was being torn apart for it.

Members of his family are reportedly "worried" about him as he is reportedly in the midst of a major bipolar episode.
Have you changed your mind about Kanye or will you consider voting for him if he's on the ballot?