Mac Miller has his share of pseudonyms. The rapper has used the short-lived Larry Loverstein moniker, as well as the increasingly present Larry Fisherman producer name. In an interview with HardKnockTV, Mac spoke of which aspects of his personality these characters represent, and the consistencies and changes from his old music.
"I like creating these characters because I feel like the identity of Mac Miller is... to me, I don't even know who 'Mac Miller the Artist' is, like what I represent, what I stand for.' He explained. "The thing I like about these characters is I feel like I can bring all these pieces of myself and emphasize them."
"Larry Fisherman represents the part of me that's a completely nasty studio rat," Mac said of his producer tag. "In reality, I'm a pretty gross human being. I don't shower until like 9:30 PM, right before I go on stage. When I'm in the studio, I'll just go weeks straight. So that's the studio rat aspect of me."
Mac also touched on the "Larry Lovestein" character brought to life on his You EP from 2012.
"I'm also a big softy at heart," he admitted. "I think everyone always knew that. I don't think I ever really gave off the tough vibe. But there's that side of me as well. Larry Lovestein is...I've kinda have always had this random fantasy of being a seventy-year-old Lounge Jazz singer with a hairy chest that I always show to people, and a thick 'stache, because I can grow facial hair everywhere beside the mustache. Pisses me the fuck off. Why can't I grow a nice, illustrious 'stache? So Larry Lovestein is kinda that, the old-fashioned, classic Jazz singer guy."
Miller then spoke of the people's perception that his music had changed drastically from his early work, which he agreed with to some extent, but also drew some consistencies between WMWTSO and his previous projects.
"This is the funny thing: everywhere I go, I hear people talk about this huge shift and change in music. 'Oh, you never touched on anything in your music before, and you're suddenly [doing that].' I think that the difference was that this one just had more of it." he said.
Mac concluded that perhaps he had just expanded on certain ideas he'd already touched on in the past. "All that music was always there; it just never took up the majority of the album. I think this one's a little more like that. I think I'm just getting more comfortable with the idea of an album not having all these singles that are things that lead to albums but having these pieces in there. Which is cool."