After enduring quite the embarrassing moment on Instagram earlier today (September 9), Kevin Samuels had to make a change to a caption of one of his posts. Samuels has made his mark on social media perpetuating the ideas of the "High-Value Man" while also peddling misogyny, and it has created a successful platform. He often targets famous women as he criticizes their physical attributes, including but not limited to rating them on a scale of one to 10.
Samuels has often criticized Lizzo, along with her body acceptance and positivity movements, and today, he shared a black and white image of a "BBW" Nike ad and called out the singer for participating in the campaign—except, it was not a real ad from the brand and the model wasn't even Lizzo.

"BBWs Don't Be Afraid To Get On Top. If He Dies, He Dies! Just do it," the meme read. Despite the words, the ad looked legit. In the caption, Samuels added, "So now violence is okay? Or is it just one way violence from women to men? Oh, wait it's just a joke, right? No major, or even minor, brand would dar do something like this if the genders were reversed."
"Awaiting the outrage from women and demands to cancel @nike and @lizzobeeating." His supporters were quick to jump in with co-signs, but his critics received a good laugh. The model's name is reportedly Francie Maupin and some social media users claimed this meme has been around for some time.
After being dragged for his mistakes, Samuels opted to keep the post up but amended his caption by removing Nike and Lizzo's tags. Check it out below.