Kid Rock doubled down on using homophobic slurs, this week, after receiving backlash for saying the f-word on stage at a recent concert.
“Fuck your iPhone, yeah,” Rock said at the show. “You fucking f*****s with your iPhones out."
"Post this dick rock now," he added pointing at his groin.

After public backlash for the incident, Rock took to Twitter to defend himself.
“If Kid Rock using the word f****t offends you, good chance you are one,” the singer wrote on his Twitter. “Either way, I know he has a lot of love for his gay friends and I will have a talk with him. Have a nice day.”
He ended the tweet by crediting it to his real name, Bob Ritchie.
"LGBT youth seriously contemplate suicide at almost three times the rate of heterosexual youth," one user replied to the post. "Do not normalize the use of the F word. It really is a matter of life or death for some of these kids."
This week's incident isn't the first time Rock has come under fire for homophobia. Back in 2015, told the Guardian that rap-rock has “turned into a lot of bulls – – t” adding that it is “pretty gay. If someone says you can’t say ‘gay’ like that, you tell them to go f – – k themselves."