Harvey Weinstein has been taken out of Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan to be transferred back to Riker's Island after he underwent surgery. According to USA Today, the disgraced movie producer and sex crime convict had surgeons place a stent during the heart procedure. This all stems from what the paramedics identified as a heart issue after Harvey Weinstein was convicted. Surgeons removed the blockage from his heart before he was sent back to Riker's.

Weinstein has been at Bellevue since Feb 24th when he was convicted of two counts of sex crimes. The judge ordered that he stay in custody until his sentence on March 11th when he suffered high blood pressure and chest pains. His mogul confirmed he was well enough to be transferred to Riker's Island where he'll stay in the North Infirmary Command which is meant for people like Weinstein. It's specifically tailed medical facility with specialized units made for high-profile inmates.
As Weinstein awaits his sentencing date, he'll likely be staying inside of prison for a while. The two counts that he was found guilty of range in sentencing from five years to 25 years behind bars. We'll keep you updated on any new developments surrounding his sentencing.