Within the figurative umbrella created by Santi on his debut, a stand-in character named "Mandy" comes to grips with "the power that lies inside her," as instructed by the artist himself. The singer's debut Mandy & The Jungle is essentially a concept album, but not in the sense of rendering it unenjoyable on a non-verbal level.
While Santi has every intention of maintaining a stringent account of the protagonist's (Mandy) journey, he does once sacrifice the danceability of the problem, in favor of a "forced limerick" or plotline. In fairness, Mandy & The Jungle achieves this balance by existing within the boundaries of a whimsical universe imparted by the artist himself. The song also benefits from Goldlink's presence on the bridge. Who would have thought him to be so well attuned to the Alté subculture?
Santi, not to be confused with the acclaimed American songstress, is the leading force behind the divergent movement popularized in the metropolitan center of Nigeria's most populous city. While a small number of the movement's core members focus primarily on the fashion aspect of the subculture, Alté pioneers such Santi and Tay Iwar do much of the creative legwork and are thus credited accordingly. If you haven't heard "Sparky," and "Freaky" in the months leading up to the big drop, that's a fairly good start the immersive process - if not, go for "Maria" featuring Goldlink. It's a bop!