An ex-cop who murdered her neighbor his own apartment has been found guilty by a Dallas jury. Amber Guyger was convicted of murdering her neighbor, Botham Jean, after confusing his apartment with her own. Guyger, a white woman, testified yesterday that she had finished a long shift when she mistakenly entered Jean's apartment under the impression that it was her own. Guyger lived a floor above Jean. She said that she believed he was an intruder in her apartment who posed a threat to her life.
Guyger attempted to argue the "castle doctrine" which one might compare to the "stand your ground" law. The thing is, she intruded on someone else's home so that the argument is obsolete.
“I was scared this person inside my apartment was going to kill me,” she said under oath on the stand. “I ask God for forgiveness and I hate myself every single day. I feel like a piece of crap.”
Now, she's facing 99-years in prison for the murder of Jean. The attorney for Jean's family, Lee Merritt, said, the jury's ruling is “a huge victory not only for the family of Botham Jean, but as his mother, Allison, told us a moment ago, this is a victory for black people in America”.
Adding, "It is a signal that the tide is going to change here, [that] police officers are going to be held accountable for their actions.”