One sign that you truly made it is if you have your own personal drive. But for those who haven't reached that level of financial stability, getting Ubers in the next best thing. Unfortunately, those can get pretty pricey too. But in the case of Desiigner, it's a sign that he's bossin' up out here, even if his album isn't a priority for G.O.O.D Music. The rapper recently went on his Instagram Story and revealed that each month, he spends five-figures on the transportation service.

Desiigner's business manager will surely encourage him to hop on Love & Hip Hop at this rate. The rapper revealed that he's spending $20K a month on Ubers and his business manager is urging him to stop. But regardless, Desiigner is addicted to the lifestyle and it doesn't sound like he's ready to stop splurging on Ubers at any point in the near future.
"Big boss, first class. Don't play, man," he said. "My business manager telling me that I gotta chill out with the Ubers. I'm spending, like, $20,000, on them shits a month." He continued to let everyone know that they need to stay in their lane while reminding fans that he does have new music on the way. While he didn't specify when we could expect any new music, we're hoping it's sometime soon.