The contentious relationship between Colin Kaepernick and the National Football League has been well-documented in the media. After the professional football star opted to kneel during the National Anthem to protest injustice by government institutions and law enforcement, Kaepernick became the target of backlash. A handful of other NFL players followed in Kaepernick's footsteps, but the league's bosses made it clear that there would be fines and penalties for anyone who didn't stand for The Star-Spangled Banner.

Despite the controversy, Kaepernick has continued to petition for his placement back into the NFL. The star quarterback has argued that he's been blackballed from the league, and on Friday (May 22), his girlfriend Nessa Diab took to Twitter to call out the NFL for writing on their website that Colin Kaepernick is "retired."
"The @NFL @nflcommish @NFLPA lying on their NFL website claiming @Kaepernick7 'retired.' Colin did NOT retire. You cowards blackballed him bc he peacefully protested against police brutality. He’s a Superbowl QB & should be playing bc his stats show that." She took a screenshot of her tweet and shared it to her Instagram Story where she added that the NFL is "trying to erase" Kaepernick because they also deleted his photo from his profile. Check it out below.