It was an eventful evening at the Netflix Is A Joke festival in Los Angeles. Everything was going smoothly until Dave Chappelle was attacked on stage. A man, who police say was armed with a replica gun and a knife, stormed the stage and tried to tackle the comedian. It didn't take long for Chappelle's security to drag the individual to the back of the stage where he received a public ass-whooping. Chappelle even joked that he got to stomp the man out.

It certainly wasn't the type of incident that can be easily forgotten about. Foxx joined Chappelle on stage where he said that he thought the incident was part of a bit.
Chris Rock appeared on stage shortly after Chappelle and it didn't take long for him to joke about his own experiences being attacked on stage. "Was that Will Smith?” Rock joked after grabbing the microphone from Dave.
Rock's reference comes a little over a month after the viral moment on the Oscars stage. After cracking a G.I. Jane joke about Jada Pinkett Smith, who suffers from alopecia, Will Smith stormed the stage and slapped him on national television. Rock has made a few remarks about the incident but said that he won't speak on it any further without a bag. Meanwhile, the Academy placed a 10-year ban on Smith from attending the Oscars.