Carmelo Anthony Organizes Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico Relief Fund

BYKyle Rooney2.6K Views
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Melo donates $50,000 as part of Puerto Rico Relief Fund.

In wake of devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, New York Knicks star Carmelo Anthony has donated $50,000 and organized a page with the goal of raising $1 million for those impacted. Donors have already raised more than $100,000 as part of Carmelo's initiative. 

The statement on the Carmelo Anthony Puerto Rico Relief Fund reads,

"Puerto Rico is very near and dear to my heart. Through my foundation, I have been actively working to bring hope and improve the lives of under-served communities on the island. Hurricane Maria has caused catastrophic damage in Puerto Rico and the residents will need our help and support to rebuild. Please join me in raising the necessary funds to get the much-needed supplies and assistance to the people of Puerto Rico. Your generous donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated."

According to CNN, "The storm hit Puerto Rico two days ago and knocked out power in the US commonwealth of more than 3 million people, Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said. And it could be months before the electricity returns."

Additionally, the Guajataca Dam failed, causing "extremely dangerous" flooding on a Puerto Rico river, according to BBC. At least 13 people have died since Maria swept through Puerto Rico, and residents are now being told to head to higher ground because the failure of the Guajataca Dam has been dubbed a "life-threatening situation." In total, Hurricane Maria has reportedly claimed more than 30 lives across the region.

In a message posted to The Player's Tribune, Carmelo writes,

"Right now, as I’m sitting here on Thursday night, there’s thousands of little kids sitting in the dark. They might not have a roof over their heads anymore. Their houses might be totally destroyed. Their refrigerators aren’t running. They might not have much food or clean water to last them the week.

Where are they sleeping tonight? What are they gonna eat tomorrow? What the hell is going to happen to these kids? This is what’s running through my mind right now.

We have to do something to help these kids and their families."

To donate to the Carmelo Anthony Puerto Rico Relief Fund click here.

Carmelo Anthony Organizes Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico Relief Fund
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<b>Sports &amp; Sneakers Writer</b> <!--BR--> New York born and raised. Long-suffering Knicks, Mets &amp; Jets fan who fell in love with sneakers when Allen Iverson laced up the 11s at Georgetown. Commissioner of one of the premier fantasy football leagues in the USA.