Once upon a time, Billie Eilish was the biggest Belieber known to man, so much so that her own parents considered getting her therapy for how crazy obsessed she was with the singer. It's no secret that the now-18-year-old Grammy winner is a big fan of the Biebs. She's often spoken about how much Justin's music influenced her as a budding artist, and when they finally met at Coachella last year, her stunned reaction said it all. However, her love for him now is nothing compared to the Bieber mania that took over Billie's preteen years, and her mom can definitely attest to that.

Billie recently invited her mother, Maggie, to guest star on her podcast, Me & Dad, which she co-hosts with her father, Patrick. During her appearance, Maggie recalled just how excited 11-year-old Billie was when the music video for Justin's song, "As Long As You Love Me," came out in the summer of 2012. "I remember this one really well and the video, and Billie talking about it, and being excited it was coming out, and just crying and crying," she said. "Everyone knows the whole Billie , Justin Bieber thing but this song was a big part of it." Billie admitted that she "would watch the music video for this song and just sob."
"I just want to say, we did consider taking you to therapy because you were in so much pain over Justin Bieber," Maggie joked. Listen to "the mom edition" episode of the podcast below or click here.