The ladies on The View aren't shy about sharing their thoughts and feelings, but Whoopi Goldberg hit a nerve when she spoke about Bella Thorne. We recently reported that Thorne announced that she was being blackmailed with her own private, nude photos. "For the last 24 hours, I have been threatened with my own nudes," Throne penned in a brief statement in the post. "I feel gross, I feel watched, I feel someone has taken something from me that I only wanted one special person to see [...] For too long I let a man take advantage of me over and over and I'm fucking sick of it." She also stated that the person behind the blackmail had photos of other celebrities, so she took the threats seriously.
To counter the online assault, Thorne decided to upload the nude photos herself. Her story spread like wildfire and made its way to The View's "Hot Topics." Goldberg said, "I don't care how old you are...You don't take nude photos of yourself." After that aired, Thorne took to social media to share video clips of herself crying hysterically as she vowed to never visit The View.

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"Once you take that picture, it goes into the cloud and it's available to any hacker who wants it, and if you don't know that in 2019, that this is an issue, I'm sorry, you don't get to do that," the 21-year-old said. "Shame on you Whoopi. Shame on you for putting that public opinion out there like that for every young girl to think that they're disgusting for even taking a photo like that. Shame on you."
"I'm not gonna lie, I want to say I feel pretty disgusting, you know, I feel pretty disgusting, Whoopi, now that everyone's seen my sh*t. I hope you're so f**king happy," Thorne said. "I can only imagine all the kids who have their s**t released and then they commit suicide. You're so crazy for thinking such terrible things on such an awful situation."
"I don't really want you guys talking about your views to young girls because I would not want my daughter to learn that and I would never say that to her," Throne explained. Then, she wrote a note to Goldberg that read, "Blaming girls for taking the photo in the first place? Is sick and honestly disgusting. So what a girl can't send her boyfriend that she misses photos of her that are sexy? Thing's he's already seen? I as a woman should be so scared walking around my home, being on my phone, doing anything? Is that what you want our women to be like? Scared of the masses for their sexuality?? Is that what you want? I don't."