Keith Murray
Music Keith Murray says someone is trying to ruin his reputation.
Cole Blake 2.4K Views
Music "I’m not apologizing for my truth," Keith Murray says.
Caroline Fisher 1401 Views
Music Keith Murray earned his icon status by delivering a never-before heard rap flow full of complexities and witty wordplay.
Demi Phillips 647 Views
Antics Keith Murray goes into explicit details about his alleged sexual encounters with the two female rappers.
Aron A. 8.5K Views
Music Murray recently gave explicit detail of an alleged sexual encounter with the hitmaker.
Erika Marie 21.1K Views
Pop Culture Murray recently sat down for an interview where he demonstrated his alleged sexual encounter with rapper Shawnna.
Erika Marie 22.6K Views
Music The New York MC went on to defend Puff's toughness and gave a very vivid account of what happened.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 16.6K Views
Music Keith Murray had quite a bit to say about Shawnna and she's not letting him off the hook.
Erika Marie 5.9K Views
Pop Culture There are concerns about Murray's mental health following his last explosive interview.
Erika Marie 12.3K Views
Pop Culture Keith Murray says that he tried to warn The Notorious B.I.G. to flee L.A. prior to his death.
Cole Blake 3.6K Views
Music Keith Murray says that he once saw Nas fight off someone trying to steal his bracelets in Queens.
Cole Blake 1337 Views
News Keith Murray takes aim with "No Exceptions."
hnhh 121 Views