Drayco McCoy & Mathaius Young Drop "Fully Automatic!" EP

BYDevin Ch2.5K Views
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Drayco McCoy & Mathaius Young return with a 5-track EP.

Users on HotNewHipHop are probably familiar with Indiana emcees Drayco McCoy and Mathaius Young in various functions. Drayco McCoy known as Baby Guillotine, delivers plenty of punch in this 5 courser. Usual running mate Mathaius Young deliberates on the production in place of his usual spot up front. The pair have become frequent collaborators dating back to their saucy rendition of the "salad fingers" theme.

On "CEO" Drayco promises sexual prowess worthy of a diary entry. From there he doesn't backpedal, unless it's a double cup, and there goes his stamina. Mathaius' layers his production with grunts and silent hill sirens, giving off the impression of a forward yielding torture device. As with previous entries such as "Geeked" and "Gang Won't Die," Drayco McCoy's energy level is consistent, sometimes enough to invoke a cold focus. 

Stream Fully Automatic! and hit us with your thoughts down below. 

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