Christopher Dorner, the former Los Angeles Police officer and Naval reservist who allegedly killed three LAPD, has found a supporter in the politically outspoken TDE member, Ab-Soul. Ab-Soul showed his support via Twitter today, quoting Dorner's manifesto in which he details plans to kill police officers and their families.
Dorner is accused of killing three people, and harming two, apparently for vengeance. Dorner claims the LAPD is filled with corruption and injustices run rampant. Ab-Soul posted a photo of Dorner on his Instagram, quoting "This was a necessary evil," then adding his own comment, "God Bless You Sir." The photo has over 3,200 likes and over 500 comments.
Following this Ab tweeted, "It's not about what was done, or what will be done, it's the honesty," perhaps as a form of explanation. He continued, "Take responsibility for your actions." Finally, the Black Lipped Bastard tweeted, "Don't talk to me about killing innocent people if you have a fast food diet that you can barely support, like myself...."
The former LAPD Chief Bill Braton has said that Dorner's manifesto is invalid and has called Dorner "a psychotic delusional individual." Dorner continues to evade the police.