Kanye West has been written off by many fans over the last few years. The ones who remain have really had their patience tested over the last week. He has said just about every controversial statement he can think of, and frankly, it feels like there's little more for him to say. He has emptied the chamber in terms of shocking, politically incorrect comments about other celebrities. Azealia Banks definitely thinks so. She's one of the few artists who can hang with Kanye West when it comes to ranting. And she let him have it in brutally honest fashion.
Azealia Banks claimed that West's latest outbursts are "pitiful." She feels that the rapper's attempts to stir the pot are his most transparent yet. And it will not yield the grand results he's looking for. "I don’t think anyone is gonna do anything to Kanye because he obviously clearly wants it so bad," she wrote. "He's so out of tricks." Azealia Banks went on theorize that Kanye West is running short on ideas. She thinks he's resorting to even more extreme measures for clout. "Getting assassinated or being seen as a martyr for free speech is the next best biggest iconic thing he can think of," Banks added. "People can tell that's why he’s doing this."
Read More: Azealia Banks Drags Kendrick Lamar & Elliott Wilson Through The Mud In Latest Twitter Rant
Azealia Banks Kanye West Beef
Azealia Banks did not stop there. She proceeded to delve even further into West's latest meltdown. She noted that his attempts to bait responses from Jewish organizations, or former friend Jay-Z, is not going to work because it would only make the responder look silly. "Trying to bait Jews into having him harmed would only make them look bad so it’s not going to happen," Banks asserted. "Trying to bait Jay and Bey into harming him would only make them look bad so they aren’t going to do it." Azealia Banks dubbed the once beloved rapper "pitiful" in his attempts. "He may as well quit the sh*t and go in the sauna and get a yoni steam," she concluded.
Azealia Banks lamented the fact that Kanye West seems to think he's still a provocative artist. She reasons that the provocation loses meaning when one recognizes it. "Funny that you think any of what he’s doing is even remotely provocative," she responded to a West fan. "I actually feel a deep sense of sadness because of how confusing all of this is for his children." In a separate tweet, Banks effectively closed the book on her West thoughts. "Yeah. Yeezy," she wrote. "It was nice knowing you."