Today, it was reported that Bricc Baby was arrested in Los Angeles. According to No Jumper, the arrest was part of a Rollin' 60s gang takedown called "Operation Draw Down." Various other indivudals were also arrested, including Luce Cannon. Federal authorities are now looking for Big U. They accuse him of murder, robbery, kidnapping, extortion, and fraud, per The Los Angeles Times.
Authorities compare his “Big U Enterprise” to a “mafia-like organization," alleging that it relies on his “stature and long-standing association with the Rollin’ 60s and other street gangs to intimidate businesses and individuals." They accuse him of shooting young rapper Rayshawn Williams in the face and leaving him in the Las Vegas desert. "We are here to announce federal charges against Eugene Henley Jr., a career criminal known as ‘Big U,’ who used his contacts and leadership role in the Crips criminal street gang, the entertainment industry and a youth charity to further his own criminal enterprise,” U.S. Attorney Joseph T. McNally said at a press conference today.
Bricc Baby's Legal Issues
McNally added that the arrests are part of an attempt “to make our communities safer and rid our streets of these criminal street gangs, including ones operated by violent felons like Mr. Henley, who are posing as savvy businessmen and community leaders but in the end are violent criminals." At the time of writing, further details surrounding Bricc Baby's arrest have yet to be revealed. This isn't his first run-in with the law, however. He was also arrested in June of 2023. Charleston White later claimed that the rapper had a "$10,000 stack on his head," prompting him to call authorities and make a report.
He was also arrested back in 2017 for an alleged armed robbery. Bricc Baby led police on a short pursuit at the time before getting out of his car and running into an apartment building in Marina Del Rey. He surrendered after several hours.