50 Cent continued trolling Jim Jones on social media, on Monday, after the Dipset rapper took issue with his recent interview with Cam'ron. “Individual 1, I mean joMo, jimmy you better holla at Cam privately and chill out," 50 captioned a video of Cam's response to Jones. He also shared a picture of Mase eating popcorn during Cam's rant, describing it as "the worst part of the video" and adding, "LOL HARLEM!”
It isn't the first time 50 has referred to Jones as "Individual 1." He previously used the phrase to caption a picture of Jones standing next to JAY-Z, Diddy, Fat Joe, and more, in which it appears the group of celebrities are ignoring him. “LOL. INDIVIDUAL 1 calling the shots out here, I know you working so please don’t say gangster sh*t to me INDIVIDUAL 1!" he wrote in that post, last week.
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Jones first voiced his frustration with the interview, in which the two discussed his 2007 performance with G-Unit, while speaking with Justin Laboy. "Them n***as be on my dick. Them n***as ain’t got nothing else to think about but Capo. I did a lot for them n***as in their life, ya heard? Both of them," Jones said. "Pause, though. Get off my dick! It’s only space on there for baby girl. Come on, man. Tugging on my sh*t like that.”
50 Cent Continues Trolling Jim Jones
As for the response from Cam that 50 shared, the It Is What It Is host went off on Jones for not being from Harlem. "You are from the Bronx, bro. You are not from Harlem. I did not grow up with you, my n***a,” he said. "... “You were fanned out and you begged n****s to come to your house after you heard all these mixtapes. That’s how you got in, n***a.” Check out 50 Cent's recent posts on Instagram below.