Tokyo Toni hopped on Instagram Live to address a viral clip from her daughter Angela White (formerly known as Blac Chyna), during which she was also on IG Live, but specifically in the kitchen with her daughter Dream with Rob Kardashian. At one point of the IG Live session, Dream tells the following to her mother about her grandmother: "If Tokyo Toni goes on here, cut it off," following that with a mischievous smile back at Angela. Some people might have assumed that Toni would take this the wrong way, but in fact, the opposite is true, as she defended Dream's cheeky comment and even got into some name-related conversations.
"Dream Kardashian did not disrespect her grandmama," Tokyo Toni remarked. "She treated it as the f**k she should. It's social media, it's not personable. 'Grandma,' that's making it real personable, real cuddly. 'No, don't get Tokyo over here. Cut it off, 'cause Grandma gon' fuss about me being around this stove.' Once again, Dream calls me 'Grandma.' She does not call me Toni, Tokyo, or Shalana. She can refer my name to any b***h on the Internet. That's my motherf***ing name.
Tokyo Toni Speaks On Viral Dream Kardashian Clip
"Let's get it clear who she's talking about," Tokyo Toni continued regarding Dream Kardashian's viral comments to Angela White, formerly known as Blac Chyna. "Clear! It ain't but motherf***ing one. Ain't no more Tokyo Tonis. None, nowhere, with that name. Six billion motherf***ers on Earth, they don't have that name. I don't mind anybody saying that name when they're referring me to someone. Isn't that what they supposed to say? 'Oh, if my grandma come on here...' That's kind of personable. Mmm... She know her grandma will look out for a motherf***er, she know all that. Very intelligent, beautiful, and loyal."
Meanwhile, Tokyo Toni ruffled feathers online for very different reasons recently, as she released a Kendrick Lamar diss track in support of Drake. Many fans found it bizarre, but we wouldn't be surprised at some sharp or boisterous bars here and there. In any case, there's one person that she definitely wants no smoke with, and that's Dream Kardashian.