Travis Scott and The Weeknd are both currently working on their next albums, and both are followed by a large wave of anticipation. The Weeknd will be following up his ultra-successful Starboy LP while Trav has been teasing Astroworld for years. It looks like both could be coming this year and Abel's project has already gotten praised by La Flame. Travis took to Twitter to share his thoughts on The Weeknd's forthcoming full-length effort, tweeting, "Abel new album is scray [sic]. It’s like when I first heard him for the first time. Fuckkkkkk !!!!!"
The message has gotten us and fans of both artists stoked to hear any possible teasers, snippets or official singles from the album. Fans of Abel's darker music from his earlier years may take this tweet as an indication that he is channeling his previous work on the new project as Travis points out that it's as if he's hearing his voice for the first time all over again.
The Weeknd and Travis Scott have worked extensively with each other in the past, creating "Pray 4 Love" and "Wonderful" for Cactus Jack's prior releases. It is likely that the two will work together on one or even both of their upcoming albums. Only time will tell if Travis' claims are correct and that Weeknd's album is actually scary good. We'll take his word for it for now.
Travis Scott & The Weeknd