As the main, and heralded, engineer for most of Young Thug's music, it's safe to say that Alex Tumay also has to deal with a fair bit of controversy, as the ATLien himself is somewhat of a controversial figure. While the "shock" of Thugger's squealy, auto-tune rapping and his outlandish style has mostly worn off, it seems that there are still some who refuse to give up the fight against auto-tune.
Alex Tumay had to get some things off his chest while apparently combing through his mentions this afternoon, offering up a refreshing and candid point of view on the usage of auto-tune. In a short rant of sorts, Alex starts, "The anti autotune argument constantly going on in my mentions is so silly because it opens the door for so many creative people to hit the notes they hear in their head. You'd rather only people born with a natural ability to sing to create music? Such a weird elitist view."
He continues to draw a comparison to a couple of genres that are far less often plagued with criticism in the same way that rap is: "Your favorite rock/country song probably had a handful of session musicians, edits on top of edits to quantize to perfection, pitch correction, months of post prod, etc, but lets complain about autotune in a song made by an engineer/producer/rapper in a day cuz its not authentic."
Take a look at his series of tweets below, and let us know where you fall in the auto-tune debate.
Young Thug & Alex Tumay