The Trump Administration has already been through what can only be categorized as a disastrous run of affairs in the White House so far. Thinly-veiled racist remarks, a poor response to the catastrophe afflicting United States and a much-maligned attempt to reform the country's healthcare are just a few of the veyr public faux-pas that the President and his staff have endured since his election. However, a new wrinkle has been added to Trump's list of misdeeds, and this one could get serious in a hurry. What we have is a subpoena and a legal motion from Summer Zervos, a former contestant on The Apprentice. 

In what is part of a larger legal attack on the sitting President, Zervos accused Trump of inappropriate physical contact that took place during a 2007 meeting at his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel. They were supposed to be discussing a potential employment opportunity for Zervos. When her accusations were given a large amount of publicity during the 2016 election, Trump immediately distanced himself from those remarks and called Zervos a liar. She then sued Trump for defamation, and the aforementioned subpoena is out to preserve any and all documents that details the claims of Zervos and at least nine other women that Trump has groped them and, in some instances, kissed them without permission. Trump now has until October 31 to file a response to the motion.

In a copy of the subpoena that was originally obtained by Buzzfeed, the request reads as follows:

“All documents concerning anyone connected to Summer Zervos, including without limitation her attorney, Gloria Allred, and/or any of Ms. Zervos’s relatives or friends. All documents concerning Jessica Leeds, Mindy McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Temple Taggart, Kristin Anderson, Cathy Heller, Jill Harth, Jessica Drake, or any woman alleging that Donald Trump touched her inappropriately. All documents concerning any of Donald J. Trump’s statements that Summer Zervos fabricated, created, or lied about her interactions with him, or was motivated to come forward by fame, money, politics, or pressure from the Clinton campaign, or his statement that he never met Ms. Zervos at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately.”

In 2005, the President was recorded saying that he often engages in such deviant behavior in a now-infamous conversation with former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush while they were aboard a bus that housed some members of the cast and crew on Days of Our Lives. You can view an upload of that video below.