Nicki Minaj has been upsetting quite a few people with her new position as judge on American Idol, whether it's a fellow judge, Mariah Carey, or Barbara Walters, now another artist has spoken out against her.
Steven Tyler, a former American Idol judge, spoke about the show to MTV recently and made some remarks to which Nicki took offence, and has now responded via Twitter. Read what Tyler had to say below.
"I know that they've got something going on on the judges' panel, [and] it shouldn't be that, it should be just the opposite: They should have something going on, which is called 'camaraderie.They should have something going on so thick and beautiful that they can lay it over the new talent that's trying to birth itself. It needs to be birthed, not judged by 'entertainment' factors, it needs to be judged by people that [are] honest, true, that have the 'it' factor. Not the 'it' factor because they can fight. The fuck is that all about?"
He added, "If it was Bob Dylan, Nicki Minaj would have had him sent to the cornfield! Whereas, if it was Bob Dylan with us, we would have brought the best of him out, as we did with Phillip Phillips. Just saying."
These last remarks are what really hit home with Nicki, and she accuses Steven Tyler of racism for them, asking him, "You assume that I wouldn't have liked Bob Dylan??? why? black? rapper? what? go fuck yourself and worry about yourself babe." Nicki continued, "LOL lets make him a shirt that says "No Coloreds Allowed" then escort him down 2 Barbara Walters so he can tell how he was threatened w/guns."
See her string of tweets in response to Tyler below.