Danny Brown recently announced an album title for his upcoming LP, which will follow his breakout project XXX. Although he originally stated that it would be called ODB, he now has clarified the title and other album facts in an interview with Pitchfork.
Danny explained to Pitchfork that the album would be called Old (the "O" from ODB). He also revealed the album is "75% done," and the mixing is all that's left, "as the actor in this movie, I'm wrapped," he said.
Danny also spoke on what the album will be like in comparison to XXX. "More mature," the Detroit native said of it, "If people are just looking for dick-sucking jokes, there isn't too many of them this time." He also listed off some features, among them, A$AP Rocky, ScHoolboy Q, Ab-Soul.
The album, which will be released via Fools Gold, has no set release date as of yet.