Over the weekend footage leaked of an altercation between the members of Odd Future and a fan who jumped on stage during their performance in San Antonio, Texas. The amateur footage is unclear, but you can make out that OF and the 17 year old concert-goer are exchanging blows. Now OF has drawn attention to tweets allegedly from Chassan Rasagi, the teenager who was injured by the group and is planning to sue them that they say prove he was the one who threw the first punch.
Odd Future maintains that Rasagi attacked them, and he retweeted someone saying he swung first, in screenshots given to Pitchfork, “I give you props even tho u swung 1st those lame ass niggas suck I would of had your back. Probably would of got my ass beat too.” In response to the lawsuit, the 17 year old tweeted back “I’ll remember to send you a picture of the check when I get it.”
He even is taking the new found notoriety to push his new clothing line. Off Future says this shows that he not only attacked them first, but that he is using this solely as an opportunity to make money off of. Originally it was reported that fans at the show confirmed that Rasagi was the one who threw a punch first.