The-Dream Accused Of Rape & Sexual Battery By Former Protegée: What We Know

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the-dream lawsuit
The-Dream at the 65th Annual GRAMMY Awards held at Arena on February 5, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Christopher Polk/Variety via Getty Images)
The singer has denied the allegations.

Terius Gesteelde-Diamant, better known as The-Dream, a celebrated producer and songwriter renowned for his work with megastars like Beyoncé and Rihanna, is now facing serious accusations. A lawsuit filed on Tuesday by Chanaaz Mangroe, an artist The-Dream once mentored, alleges rape and sexual battery, The New York Times reports. The-Dream, with eight Grammy Awards to his name, has a legacy of creating hits that have defined the pop and R&B genres. However, these recent claims threaten to overshadow his achievements.

Details Of The Allegations

(Photo by Astrida Valigorsky/Getty Images)

Chanaaz Mangroe, who performed as Channii Monroe, alleges that The-Dream manipulated her with promises of stardom to trap her in an abusive relationship. The lawsuit outlines numerous incidents beginning in 2015 where The-Dream allegedly forced her into sexual acts, strangled her, and recorded intimate moments, later using the footage as a threat. These abuses purportedly started shortly after their initial meeting in Atlanta when he invited her to collaborate on music projects.

The Influence & Manipulation

With a repertoire that includes hits like "Umbrella" by Rihanna and "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé, The-Dream holds substantial sway in the music industry. The lawsuit portrays him as exploiting this power, using career advancement as a lure to control Mangroe. She alleges he pressured her into sexual acts by claiming it was necessary for her professional success, effectively intertwining her aspirations with her abuse.

Escalating Abuse & Control

(Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images)

The complaint describes a disturbing escalation in Gesteelde-Diamant’s behavior. Mangroe alleges Gesteelde-Diamant placed her in a hotel under surveillance by his security team and faced verbal abuse for minor grievances. The lawsuit also claims The-Dream provided her with drugs and alcohol and forced her into non-consensual sexual activities. In one of these instances, she claimed that it took place in a movie theater.

“​​What Dream did to me made it impossible to live the life I envisioned for myself and pursue my goals as a singer and songwriter,” Ms. Mangroe said in a statement. “Ultimately, my silence has become too painful, and I realized that I need to tell my story to heal. I hope that doing so will also help others and prevent future horrific abuse.”

Mangroe’s lawsuit also implicates Epic Records, a Sony subsidiary, for their inaction when she reported the abuse. She claims an executive dismissed her concerns and suggested she reconcile with Gesteelde-Diamant. By 2016, she alleges that Epic dropped her due to his influence. The lawsuit leverages the Sexual Abuse and Cover-Up Accountability Act. This permits older cases of sexual assault to be prosecuted beyond the standard limitations period.

Responses & Historical Allegations

(Photo by Leon Bennett/Getty Images)

Gesteelde-Diamant has denied the allegations, calling them false and defamatory. He stressed his opposition to harassment and commitment to supporting fellow artists. “These claims are untrue and defamatory,” he said in the statement. “I oppose all forms of harassment and have always strived to help people realize their career goals. As someone committed to making a positive impact on my fellow artists and the world at large, I am deeply offended and saddened by these accusations.” However, this isn’t the first time he’s faced such accusations. In 2014, he was accused of assaulting a pregnant former girlfriend. However, the court dropped the charges due to lack of evidence.

Mangroe is represented by Douglas H. Wigdor and Meredith A. Firetog, the same lawyers who represented singer Cassie in a notable case against Sean Combs. They argue that Mangroe’s case exemplifies a broader issue of powerful men in the music industry abusing their positions. They hope this lawsuit will expose these practices and contribute to preventing future abuses.


The allegations against The-Dream highlight severe issues of exploitation and abuse within the music industry. As the legal proceedings unfold, they may bring increased scrutiny and potentially lead to significant changes in how such allegations are handled. This case underscores the misuse of power and the bravery of those who come forward to tell their stories.

About The Author
Axl Banks is a passionate pop culture and music writer with a deep love for hip-hop and internet culture. With a keen eye for trends and a knack for storytelling, Axl offers fresh insights and engaging narratives surrounding music and online phenomena.