Usher's step-son died after a jet-ski accident last summer, at only 11-years old. Now the jet ski operator who allegedly ran over Kyle Glover has been arrested.
The incident occurred on Lake Lanier in Atlanta last July, and Usher's ex-wife, Tameka Foster's son was brain-dead following the accident, before finally passing away. TMZ reports that Jeffrey Simon Hubbard was indicted on Thursday by a Grand Jury in Hall County, Georgia.
The D.A. says that Hubbard was indicted for Homicide by Vessel, Serious Injury by Vessel, as well as Reckless Operation of a Vessel.
Hubbard will be in front of a judge this week, who will decide whether or not he can be released on bail.
[Update: Accused Man Pleads Not Guilty To All Charges]
Jeffrey Simon Hubbard, the man charged with killing Usher's stepson, is pleading not guilty to all charges laid against him, including homicide by vessel in the first degree.
Hubbard was charged last month for his role in the boating accident that killed Usher's 11 year old stepson in last July. If convicted, he faces a minimum of three years in prison, not exceeding 15.
The accused is also pleading not guilty to charges of reckless operation of a vessel, unlawful operation of a personal watercraft, boat traffic violation and serious injury by vessel.
According to law enforcement officials, Hubbard's operation of the vehicle was in violation of the 100-foot law. This law prohibits boats and personal watercraft from operating at more than idle speed when within a 100 foot proximity of a sitting object or a person in the water.
More coverage to come as information arrives.