After he famously purchased a one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album for $2 million back in 2015, imprisoned "Pharma Bro" Martin Shrkeli had recently posted the elusive disc on eBay, hoping to sell it after the backlash he received for buying it in the first place continued to escalate. Now, in a bizarre new report, Bloomberg states that the elusive LP, Once Upon A Time In Shoalin, might not be as legit as Shkreli's claiming it is.
Killa Sin, a man who is affiliated closely with the Wu-Tang, said that the album was initially brought to his attention as a project for a Moroccan producer named Cilvaringz. "The way he presented it was it was going to be basically his album, and he wanted me to do some work for him," Sin added. Domingo Neris, who manages Wu-Tang member U-God, echoed that sentiment, stating "It’s not an authorized Wu-Tang Clan album." James Ellis, manager of Method Man, has gone on record as saying that his client's verses were meant for an album that was showcasing Cilvaringz, not the Wu-Tang Clan. “How it became a Wu-Tang album from there? We have no knowledge of that," Ellis continued.
The stories swirling around the album's purchasers have been varied in their accounts. However, several points have been verified before. For example, Shkreli supposedly purchased the album with the stipulation that he could not sell it for 88 years afterwards. However, he has previously previewed a few tracks off the album, even writing in his eBay listing that he hasn't "carefully listened to the album." When Bloomberg contacted Shkreli for comments on these allegations, the former exec responded with the following: "hahahahahahahahahahahaha." He also went out of his way to call the publication an " overpriced, legacy software system that subsidizes a money-losing media company."
Shkreli, 34, known primarily for raising the price of a lifesaving AIDS drug by 5,000 percent, is currently facing prison time over a previous fraud conviction. A judge recently revoked his bail after he offered his Facebook followers $5,000 for a lock of Hillary Clinton's hair. This post was deemed to be outside the protection of his first amendment rights.
Check out our list of Shkreli's 10 Biggest Douchebag Moments here.
Martin Shkreli