Recently, Bhad Bhabie took to social media to share some big news with her followers. The 20-year-old and her partner Le Vaughn are expecting, as seen some new selfies she posted on Instagram today. The soon-to-be mother put her baby bump on full display, proudly posing in a bathroom mirror. Pregnancy rumors had been floating around since the internet personality was spotted in Beverly Hills earlier this week, seemingly attempting to hide her stomach from public view.
Regardless, fans were able to catch a glimpse of her growing bump in paparazzi footage, leaving them no choice but to speculate. Supporters are still waiting on details like how far along she is and the baby's gender. Of course, the news has also prompted critics to question Bhad Bhabie's ability to be a good parent. Luckily, she appears to have made leaps and bounds since her "cash me outside" days, and at least has motherhood covered on the financial front.
Bhad Bhabie's Baby Bump
Earlier this month, Bhad Bhabie shared a screenshot revealing how much she earned throughout her first year on OnlyFans. The numbers were shocking, to say the least. The social media star raked in millions of dollars each month on the platform, which she admits came as a surprise to her. She reflected on the moment she realized she was earning drastically more than she expected on Emily Ratajkowski's High Low podcast in September.
"I was actually broke as f*ck before I started OnlyFans," she explained. "Like, I was actually broke as f*ck. I barely had sh*t. My mom was in control of my money, so she was doing whatever she wanted to do, and I had a $500 limit on my card." She says she finally saw "the light [at the end of] the tunnel," after it launched, calling the experience "cr*azy." What do you think of Bhad Bhabie's pregnancy news? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.