Watch The Trailer For "An Inconvenient Sequel," Al Gore's New Climate Change Movie

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Al Gore is back to save the planet.

Al Gore’s climate change awareness film  An Inconvenient Truth came out just over a decade ago. In case you haven’t been paying attention, not much has changed. Now the former vice president is back with a sequel to the film, simply titled An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power. Check out the first trailer below, which unsurprisingly starts out with a clip of US president Donald Trump.

In the 11 years since An Inconvenient Truth came out, there have been no shortage of brutal storms and tragic stories for Al Gore to pull from to further illustrate his point. The proliferation of cameras in smartphones has also given him a wealth of emotionally-charged and generally shocking videos to pull from to illustrate his points. Ideally it’ll be more hard hitting than showing him get on a cherrypicker crane to illustrate the size of a graph.

It doesn’t look like the whole thing will be doom and gloom, as Gore highlights the great advancements that have been made in green technologies like wind and solar energy. Then Trump comes along, and that brings us to today.

The movie releases on July 28.

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