Coming off the release of her surprise album last month Dopamine, R&B vixen Mila J decided to pose for Playboy and answer some questions about her music & sex-appeal in the process.
Keeping her clothes on however, Mila still manages keep things sexy by rocking an all black mini-skirt, Playboy socks, see-through blouse, and a raunchy leather, studded ensemble as well.
“I’m obsessed with Playboy,” Mile said in her interview. “I guess I’ve always been comfortable with sexuality, so as a teen, it was just beautiful to me, not like, ‘You’re being bad,’ you know what I mean? It’s just about being. I’ve always thought we should be more like animals. Think about how many animals have sex for pleasure. We make life way too deep. Animals are all about what’s today, and we should take more cues from them.”
Check out some of the sexy pictures in the gallery (above) and head over to Playboy for the full interview & pics. (Included below is our recent interview with songstress as well.)