A few months ago, Wale dissed controversial political pundit Tomi Lahren on the socially conscious record "Smile." Monday, the embattled former The Blaze TV host tried to reach out to the DMV emcee through Twitter.
Riffing on the popular saying "new phone who dis," Wale didn't hide the fact that he's still salty about Lahren's political positions despite her suspension from the conservative network. Lahren fell in disfavor with her boss Glenn Beck after she visited The View and advocated for women's rights to choose abortion.
At the start of the year, Wale put out "Smile" and dissed "Tammy" for her perceived racist views and ignorance. She clapped back at the rapper on Twitter saying he didn't get her name right, calling him Whale in return.
Tomi Lahren & Wale