Over a year ago, Cartoon Network set its old school Toonami fans into a state of excitement by revealing cult-favorite animated show Samurai Jack was getting revived. However, after the announcement in 2015 nothing about the show ever surfaced. At least, not until this weekend, when Adult Swim aired a new promo that answered fans questions with their characteristic irreverence.
Recreating a Twitter exchange with a user, the video declares Samurai Jack will make its return on March 11 of this year at 11:30pm. This revival follows up another fan-favorite in Dragon Ball Super, which has been airing weekly since January 7 of this year.
Samurai Jack is an animated show about a time-traveling prince (Jack) who is on a quest to destroy the shape-shifting demon Aku. It originally ran from 2001 to 2004, and was canceled after its fourth season.