R. Kelly has given the world a lot of classic music, and while we can argue 12 Play vs. TP-2.com all day, we can all agree that Trapped In The Closet is something all its own. Since each installment of dialogue-driven episodes tends to be left on a cliffhanger, fans are always waiting for more of Kells' twisting soap opera, and according to the singer, he has a lot more coming.
"'Trapped in the Closet,' I have 35 more chapters of that done," Kelly said in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "I'm very excited about that. It will absolutely be out next year. I'll tour if it's a major deal, but if not I might just chill and just finish writing my movie scripts."
The last time the singer shared new episodes, they premiered as an IFC series, though it's unclear if the new episodes will have a similar presentation.
R. Kelly shared his 12 Nights Of Christmas album back in October, and there's never been a better time to break it out. Stream the project here.