Lil Pump is one of the more divisive hip-hop personalities of the moment. Be it altercations in shopping malls or his long line of controversial Twitter comments, Pump likely has a good-sized group of detractors to counteract his fan base. However, there is one skill that you may not have known that the young emcee possessed, until now: a killer basketball toss shot.
In a new video that's been making the rounds on social media, Pump is seen sinking shot after shot in a version of the popular midway game, getting those swishes seemingly without too much effort. An off-kilter rumor (listed in the caption of the video below) states that his hoops chops attracted the attentions of some Division I schools, all of which he spurned in order to pursue a rap career. However true that is, there's no denying that the man is able to hit the bottom of the net.
There's also a softer side to Lil Pump that's surfaced recently via his official Twitter account. The rapper supposedly facilitated a disabled fan's attempt to crowd surf during one of his recent shows, a moment that has been immortalized via social media. The crowd erupted in support during the concert too, demonstrating that the gesture didn't go unnoticed. Once again, hate him or love him, there's definitely more to Lil Pump that the oft-eerie public persona.