Adidas is one of the biggest sportswear companies in the entire world. Overall, they have sold billions of dollars worth of sneakers over the years. Moreover, they have set various trends throughout each decade that they have been in existence. They are a brand with a very distinct look, which is certainly all thanks to its three-stripes logo. This is a staple of the Adidas aesthetic, and as you can imagine, they are very protective of their child. Sometimes to a detrimental degree.
According to Complex, earlier this week, Adidas tried to block the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation from trademarking a logo with three stripes in it. After careful consideration, however, they decided to go back on their original decision. In a statement to the news outlet Reuters, Adidas said: “Adidas will withdraw its opposition to the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s trademark application as soon as possible." It seems as though the company was a bit worried about how this request would come across. As Complex reported, some within the brand thought that their effort could be misinterpreted as a critique of BLM as a whole.
Adidas Realizes Their Mistake

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation was simply trying to trademark the logo above. This logo would then appear on all sorts of apparel, as well as items such as mugs. Although the BLMGNF was almost subjected to sabotage from Adidas, it seems like they will be able to move forward with their original trademark request. Clearly, the three-stripes brand has come to the realization that BLM's logo could not be mistaken for their own. After all, we don't see Adidas when we see the shirt above.
The German sportswear brand is already having a bad year. They are expected to see record losses in the wake of their failed partnership with Kanye West. That said, they have to be careful about Public Relations disasters. Having said that, it is a good thing they rescinded Monday's filing. Let us know what you think about all this, in the comments section below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from the sportswear world.