Paris Hilton says that, for years, she considered sex to be a "chore" and would fake orgasms with her sexual partners. Speaking about her sexuality in her new memoir, Paris: The Memoir, she revealed that she once thought she was asexual. Stellar Magazine published an excerpt of the upcoming book on Saturday.
"I could fake it, and I was good at faking it, but it felt like getting run over by a minibike a hundred times," she wrote. "I thought orgasm was something faked so that sex could be over. I kept trying to make it work." She also revealed that she'd make suitors wait months, even years before getting intimate. "It was pretty rare for a guy to get past the make-out stage. Some of them waited for months or even a year." Despite being, "known as a sex symbol" Paris also confessed that "anything sexual terrified me." She joked, "I called myself the 'kissing bandit' because I only liked to make out. A lot of my relationships didn't work out because of that."
Paris Hilton With Britney Spears In 2008

"The truth is, I wanted to be alive in a sensual way. I wanted to feel like a woman who’s comfortable in her own skin. I was struggling to understand my sexuality; there’s no way I could have explained it to anyone else. I had no language for it. I’d never heard the word asexual. I know, right?" she added.
Hilton also discussed getting an abortion at the age of 22. "Choosing to have an abortion can be an intensely private agony that’s impossible to explain. The only reason I’m talking about it now is that so many women are facing it, and they feel so alone and judged and abandoned. I want them to know that they’re not alone, and they don’t owe anyone an explanation," she said.
Paris: The Memoir is due out on March 14. Elsewhere in the book, Hilton discusses the infamous sex tape made with ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon, her teenage years, her feelings about being a celebrity, and more.