Stephen A. Smith is easily one of the most entertaining men on TV. He knows how to make a big impression, especially while doing his show First Take. Additionally, he is someone who always brings the hot takes, and it makes for some great segments.
Unfortunately for Smith, he has gotten himself in trouble at times thanks to his opinions. For instance, some fans are upset at him for defending Jerry Jones this week. Of course, this outrage is a direct response to just how hard Smith was on Kyrie Irving.

Stephen A. Smith Ran To Work
Despite all of this, Stephen A. is still regarded as a figure that is worth watching. Even when he isn't talking about sports, he is still providing fans with plenty of antics that will have you laughing along to your TV. This morning, that is exactly what Stephen A. provided.
As you can see in the various clips below, Smith was late for work. Typically, this isn't really a big deal. However, the First Take producers made sure to turn this into a full-on segment. In fact, there was some hilarious footage of Smith running from his car to the studio. Needless to say, Smith broke a sweat trying to get in on time.
The First Take host was quick to blame it on the New York traffic. He said his home is just 15 minutes away, however, he was ultimately parked on the highway and could barely move. Overall, it was a pretty funny moment that showcases how First Take isn't always about sports.
Perhaps next time, Smith will leave a few minutes earlier next time. After all, Smith should know how bad traffic in New York is having lived there for so long.