About Me

BYTrevor Smith230 Views
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Listen to KeithCharles Spacebar's new track, "About Me".

KeithCharles Spacebar is getting ready to drop his new project, Chillin...Killin, next week, but first he's dropped off a spacy new track called "About Me". Repping Awful Records, Keith's latest track still operates within the simple, DIY sound of the collective, but falls back from Father's riffy productions, instead settling for a slower, more open groove.

As the song progresses, the drums become busier and the synth lines catchier until they're pulled out from under you once again on the hypnotically catchy hook. Look out for the EP to be released on March 30th. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Quotable Lyrics:
You heard about 
And don't know nothing 'bout me
Tell 'em what you heard, tell 'em what you heard
What's the word?

About The Author
<b>Features &amp; News Writer</b> <!--BR--> Trevor is a music writer currently based in Montreal. Follow him on <a href="https://twitter.com/trevsmith_" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a>.
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