Ever since the patents for Nike’s self-lacing technology were discovered, people couldn’t wait to get their hands on a self-lacing Nike sneaker. The re-sale prices for Nike’s first self-lacing sneaker, the Nike HyperAdapt, prove that not having to tie your shoes is something people are very interested in. However, not everyone is a fan of Nike’s newest technology. TNT analyst and former NBA player Kenny Smith voiced his not-so-favorable opinion on the shoe in an interview at the CES technology conference in Las Vegas, calling them “self-lazy” shoes.
When asked about CES in general, Smith explains (probably correctly) that its the “lazy man’s conference,” because all the gadgets being unveiled there are meant to make people’s lives easier. He has a similarly dim view of the shoe, clowning anyone “over 11” who wears the shoe and isn’t matching it with their outfit.
Is Kenny just an old man saying old man things, or are self-lacing shoes something Nike should keep on the shelf? Check out the full interview below.