Octave Minds are new duo consisting of Chilly Gonzales and Boyz Noise. The two convened for a collaborative self-titled album, due out on September 15th. The sole feature on the album comes from Chicago's Chance The Rapper, who does his signature singy-rhymes and chants for the record "Tap Dance." Complete with a piano breakdown midway, the record is upbeat and jazzy with lots of live instrumentation, and it's definitely the perfect fit for the Acid Rap rapper.
Chance announced a fall tour yesterday with 18 dates, peep where he's headed here.
What do you think of this collaborative effort? It's on iTunes.
via Pitchfork
Quotable Lyrics
One stepped on the floor, two stepped out the way
Two glares up at one, whatcha wanna say
One stares back at two, two is unafraid
Two steps up the stair, two steps out the way
One smiles back at two, now this shit's a race