NYT Publishes Spread Of Every Person Donald Trump Has Insulted On Twitter This Election Season

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The New York Times publishes a 2-page spread on every person, place, and thing Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter.

Even if Donald Trump is not likely to win the upcoming election, he's definitely got 'King of the Insult' locked down in his favor. The Republican presidential candidate beefs on Twitter more than Azalea Banks - throwing shade at the most powerful people in the world (Barack Obama, Angel Merkel) and some of the most random abstract things one can think of (Major League Baseball for example). This man knows how to package a diss in 140 characters, and finally he's getting some serious credit.

The New York Times, one of Trump's least favorite publications (that's saying a lot), has published a 2-page spread on every insult the Donald has hurled during this long arduous campaign season, and the results are hilarious and nearly surreal.

Can one man insult his way to the presidency? Stay tuned.

In the meantime, peep the New York Times feature on Trump's Twitter beef prowess right here.

Donald Trump

NYT Publishes Spread Of Every Person Donald Trump Has Insulted On Twitter This Election Season
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